Change the World. Start with You.


Change the WorldMany people complain about the kind of place this world is becoming. They complain about violence and pollution, corrupt companies and governments. They complain about impatient and unkind people, the state of the economy, and the weather. At times in our life Dave and I have been champion complainers. Although we find that complaining rarely makes us feel better and hardly ever changes anything.


What does make us feel better is taking action, and it doesn’t have to be action toward solving the actual complaint. If you are unhappy with the world and wish it to change, consider starting with changing your own life.


Do you love your life? Every day of your life? Every part of your life?


What would your family think?


Imagine the difference it would make in your spouse’s day if you felt good about how your own life is unfolding and the direction it is headed. How would you treat your spouse differently if you woke up happy? How would life within your home change?


How would your kids’ lives change if you were more joyful? What would they learn if you modeled what it looks like for someone to live the life of their dreams? Would it encourage them to strive for more? To aim for a life that fulfills them? Would it give them permission to reach for the stars and pursue their passion in the face of uncertainty or criticism?


How would your community change?


If you and your spouse and your children and your friends and your co-workers all loved your own lives, woke up every day feeling gratitude and joy, how would things in your community change? What kind of impact could you make?


And as your community changed, would that spill over into the communities next to yours, and then the ones next to those?


Imagine the changes that would occur in our world. Imagine the kind of world it would become as more and more people felt joy and love and purpose and passion about their life.


It all starts with you. Are you ready to create the life of your dreams?


Are you ready to change the world?


This is why we do what we do.


This is why Dave and I started our company. We believe that to change the world it is necessary to start with the individual. We help people design and build a life they love, and then help them go out and live their purpose in the world. Yes, it is a big dream, a big mission, and it is one that brings us great joy.


Our new name


You may know our company as Accelerate Your Dream Life. That has been our business name for the last year and a half and it has served us well. However, we are now in the process of growing into a new business name. A name we feel better reflects the service we offer to our clients.


Our new name is Custom Built Life™.


We work with clients to custom design a life made for them. A real life, not some fantasy life or some dream rooted in escaping anything that is challenging. A life tailored to fit them so that it flows easier, is lived with purpose, and feels balanced and happy.


Here on the website we will share strategies, tools and inspiration to help you create your own Custom Built Life. These tools will get you started on your journey. We encourage you to reach out to us with feedback, questions and suggestions. We would love for this to be an interactive exchange.


Thank you for joining us here! We hope the information we share supports you in your life journey.


Together let’s change the world!

  • Abby June 25, 2014, 7:06 pm

    Great article!

  • Carolyn Herfurth July 19, 2014, 12:20 pm

    Congrats on the rebrand! Keep doing great things 🙂

  • Laura Clark ~ Your Soul Wise Living Mentor July 20, 2014, 2:47 pm

    Congratulations on an inspiring site and following your passions. But most importantly, for sharing, your abilities to help others find their own ‘custom built life’

    Am looking so forward to following your movement!

    • Stacy Rowan December 30, 2014, 3:34 am

      Thank you Laura! Your support means so much to me!

  • martha July 20, 2014, 9:02 pm

    Love your mission!

  • Donna Marie Crawford August 12, 2014, 4:09 pm

    Change really does begin with us!
    Happy your growing and congrats on the new name, I love it!

  • Kathleen Watson August 12, 2014, 5:07 pm

    Stacy, your recommendation to “start with you” reminds me of one of my favorite quotes. Howard Thurman said, “Don’t ask what the world needs. Ask what makes you come alive, and go do it. Because what the world needs is people who have come alive.” So may it be.

    • admin September 3, 2014, 6:10 pm

      Kathleen, I love this quote as well! And I see the mission of Custom Built Life as empowering people to determine what will make them come alive in their life and then supporting them on the journey to do that.

  • Yehudit August 14, 2014, 6:18 am

    Your emotional state does have a ripple effect. If you are happy and in love with your wife this effects all the people around you!


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