Don’t Eat the D@mn Frog


We are raised not to trust ourselves because we are taught to obey and obeying someone else often requires ignoring our inner wisdom.


Ignore your inner wisdom long enough & it will stop talking to you.


Much of the business advice we receive comes packaged as “Listen to me. I’m the expert. If you want to be successful, do things my way.”


If we resist the expert’s way, we are judged as “not wanting it bad enough”.


As if you are thinking “You know, I just don’t want to be successful. I’d rather struggle to survive. That sounds like much more fun!”


What if our resistance is our inner wisdom speaking?


What if it is saying “There is a better way. A way that feels good AND leads to success.”


But instead of listening we call ourselves lazy procrastinators and continue pushing ourselves to do something that feels horrible because some expert told us that it is the only way to be successful.


Just stop.


Don’t eat the damn frog first!


Stop and consider why you are resistant to eating the frog.


Listen to your inner wisdom.


Maybe you are resistant because some part of you knows that frog tastes terrible, isn’t meant for you, and isn’t going to create the results you want!


What would be different if you were able to go through life listening to your own wisdom and trusting yourself?


There is a way.


It starts by developing a deep understanding of who you are and how you operate.


If you want this understanding so you can start recognizing your inner wisdom, go to the Get Started page and click the link to schedule a consult with me.

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