Shouldn’t I be Further by Now?

Road to Success



I’ve been hearing this question a lot recently – from my clients, my friends, my kids, even in my own head!

What is Behind this Question?



“Shouldn’t I be further by now” is judgment masquerading as a question. It comes from setting the expectations for our results based on the results we believe we see others achieving.


The problem is that when we compare ourselves to others, we are never seeing the true story. What we are actually comparing to is a fictional story that we concocted, and it is a story designed to inflict pain.


Now I am not saying we are knowingly and intentionally inflicting pain on ourselves, because why would we do that? What I am saying is that our subconscious is creating this story to inflict pain. It is doing this either because we hold a belief that is some version of “I’m not worthy” or because we have an unconscious rule that says we are not allowed to have or achieve that which we set our sights on.




So we compare ourselves to others. And even though we can’t see everything about their life or circumstances, we choose to compare ourselves to the best parts of their life – to their highlight reel.


We neglect to look at the parts of their situation that are different than ours. We compare our health to the healthiest person we know. We compare our parenting abilities to the best parents we know. Our business or career to the best entrepreneurs or corporate professionals we know. Our level of fun to the most adventurous, social person we know. And on and on.


We end up comparing our one self to eight or ten or a dozen other people!!


How can we possibly match up to an amalgamation of this many people?? We are setting ourselves up to lose before we even start.


What if…?


What if I told you that you are enough exactly as you are right now? You are worthy.


What if you are exactly where you are meant to be right now? You are not meant to be further, you haven’t messed up or missed the boat. You are at the perfect point in your journey and everything that brought you here unfolded in perfect form and timing.


What would you do tomorrow if you believed these things today?


Would you take a chance on something that is uncertain? Would you keep moving forward on a dream you were thinking about giving up on? Would you be kinder and gentler with yourself? Would you use your self-talk to speak to yourself like a good friend?


Here’s the thing… I know you are enough. I know you are worthy. The day you were born you passed the worthiness test. There is nothing else you need to do, no improvement you need to make or accomplishment you need to complete. The only criteria for determining your worth is that you are – that you exist.


Isn’t that a relief? There is nothing you need to prove to yourself or anyone else.


When I remember this it feels like a hundred pounds have been lifted off my shoulders. Life opens up along with unlimited possibilities for love and joy. Everything feels lighter and brighter.


Your Assignment


Remember this article the next time you fall into judging yourself harshly. Judgment is based on a piece of fictional storytelling that you created. Investigate the source for that story. What limiting beliefs or outdated rules are holding you back? Take the time to identify them and re-write them so you can move forward with more ease as you create the life you never dreamt was possible.


Have you been dealing with your own version of the question “Shouldn’t I be Further by Now?” How did you release yourself from this judgment in disguise? Please head over to the blog and share your story with the Custom Built Life™ community. By doing so, you could be someone’s inspiration.


Please comment below and share your story with the Custom Built Life™ community.”




  • Kelly February 4, 2015, 7:44 am

    This is perfect-perfect-perfect!!! We really do just cause ourselves so much pain?? When did we learn such horrible habits?? My new Mantra each and every single evening is “I did good today”! It is a touchstone so to speak to remind me EVERY DAY that what you are saying… that we/I am exactly where I am meant to be. to stop worrying and comparing and just go out and have fun… go with the flow… Action in flow of course, but flow! This was so so so well written! Love it!

    • Stacy Rowan February 5, 2015, 4:00 pm

      Thanks so much Kelly! I’m so glad you liked it! Yes, I agree, go with our own flow without judging it against anyone else’s. And I love your new mantra! I think I will write it down and tape it to the bathroom mirror so I see it every night before going to bed.

  • Lucie April 27, 2015, 10:08 am

    When I read what you sais about we are where we are supposed to be and that we are worthy no matter what, I had a heartache, I stopped me because the only thing I feel like now is crying. Your comments touched me in a matter that I didn’t know. I just discovered that I am sincerely sure I worth nothing and I screwed up all things important in my life. Right now I don’t know where to start because I have no hope in life since 5 years at least. Sorry for my English, I am french from Québec, Canada. Have a good day and thank you for your blog. Lucie

    • Stacy Rowan April 27, 2015, 9:00 pm

      Lucie, thank you for your comment. We all feel that we mess things up and make mistakes. This is part of being human. But our mistakes do not detract from our worth. YOU ARE WORTHY! I know this to be true. As for where to start – start where you are. Forgive yourself for what you perceive as your past mistakes. Define how you would like your life to be. Write it out so you can read it whenever you need to remember. Then take small, consistent steps to make the changes you desire. And always be your own best friend and love yourself. Please let me know how I can help!


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