How the Law of Attraction Can Work Against You


It seems like everyone is talking about the Law of Attraction these days and how to use your thoughts to create your reality. Ever since the book The Secret was featured on the Oprah Winfrey Show in 2006 the Law of Attraction has entered main stream consciousness.


And for the most part this is a good thing! But sometimes it can backfire.


Watch this 4 minute video to see how the Law of Attraction can work against you, especially if you are a perfectionist. (Oh, and pay attention to see if you can spot the irony in this video about perfectionism. God sure has a sense of humor!)



Now that you know how the Law of Attraction might bring up judgment and negative self-talk you can be more aware of when manifesting is working against you, and you will know what to do about it to turn that around.

Your Assignment

Write a journal entry, create a written list, or make a vision board that answers the question “What actions do I need to take to become the kind of person who can happily and successfully live my dreams?” Share your dreams and your actions below. I would love to support you as you manifest your dreams!


P.S. I could have done a second take of this video, but that might have cost me the designation of “recovering” perfectionist. A perfectionist would have kept redoing the video until it was absolutely perfect. Because I am no longer a perfectionist I am able to appreciate what went well with this video, embrace imperfect action, and model this behavior for you. Thanks for still loving me even with my imperfections. 😉


  • Kelly September 23, 2015, 8:28 am

    Great job Stacy!! Loved it! and you!!

  • kathy September 23, 2015, 8:47 am

    Hi, just a thougth you only manifest when the time is right so for some it might be instantaneously for other it make take years but for sure it does come in the right time and space. Believe and receive is the motto ask then forget it let it come in its own time. Lots of Angel blessings Kathyxx

    • Stacy Rowan September 23, 2015, 10:18 pm

      Kathy, I agree that successful manifestation comes when the time is right, and the right time may be much different than what we think it is or what we want it to be! An important point for perfectionists to remember when they are tempted to fall into self-judgement. Thank you for sharing!

  • Virginia September 23, 2015, 12:43 pm

    Those belief systems are what keep many of us from getting what we wish for or try to manifest. I know the depth of faith in myself needs to be worked on. Intellectually I know I am capable yet I hold back on action to prove it. Thanks for allowing your background noise demonstrate good perseverance despite distractions.

    • Stacy Rowan September 23, 2015, 10:31 pm

      Virginia, it is true that trying to manifest something that is in opposition to an existing belief often is a challenge. That’s because our subconscious thoughts are often working against our conscious thoughts. When you identify the rules that are holding you back and you change them to support the results you want, taking action becomes easier and more effective.

  • Michele S September 23, 2015, 8:02 pm

    I am particularly “attracted” to this video! As you can imagine from our sessions. Message is spot on. Be careful what we wish to attract and be ready to receive it. You handled the noise feature with such grace and quick wit to have it work for you! A special talent to be sure.

    • Stacy Rowan September 23, 2015, 10:43 pm

      Thank you for your kind words Michele! You always make me smile. And you are right! In addition to being clear on what we wish to attract, it is equally important to be ready to receive! And sometimes we receive things we think we don’t want (like noise during a video shoot!) and then realize later that it was a good thing after all!


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